Buffy Adams


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What People Are Saying:

Erika S.

Los Angeles, CA

"My entire life changed when Buffy showed me that consistent happiness doesn't mean I'm ignoring the reality of a situation, it just means I now have the tools not to let negative situations and emotions shake me to make things worse!"

Tony R.

Brooklyn, NY

"I have become a better manager, father and husband thanks to what I've learned from The Happiness Habit Coach, Buffy!

I only wish I would have found her sooner!"

Bethanne M.

Crown Point, In

"Imagine how the lives of my children will change when they see me consistently filled with calm, peace and happiness more often... instead of running around with my hair on fire!"

Alison W.

Valporaiso, IN

"I could listen to Buffy talk about anything.

She's just got an energy about her and the way she speaks is honest, real and a positive perspective on life."

Avoid Burning Out By Finding the Right Balance

I am sure you have heard the saying, ‘you cannot pour from an empty cup.’ This is why you need to learn to take care of yourself. Keeping yourself motivated...

Reward Accomplishments if you Break your Habits

Life becomes more worth living when you know that for every good thing that you did, a reward is bound to come your way. By this time, you already know...

How to Plan and Achieve Your Goals

So now you have the goal, you need the plan. To do this, look at where you are now and then look at all the things you would need to build the life you are picturing.